What is Slab Leak and How Is It Caused? Having a broken drain pipe under slab flooring is one of the worst scenarios for every house owner. A slab leak is caused when there is a break or crack in the sewer pipeline running underneath the slab. Through this leak, the wastewater seeps into the… Continue reading What is Slab Leak and How Is It Caused?
Month: October 2019
Can Low Flow Toilets Cause Sewer Problems?
Can Low Flow Toilets Cause Sewer Problems? In recent years, low-flow toilets have become popular Low-flow toilets use less water and are considered to be an attractive option to go green. According to US Federal law, the maximum gallons per flush allowed is 1.6 gallons. When you use the low-flush toilet, it uses 1.3-gallons of… Continue reading Can Low Flow Toilets Cause Sewer Problems?
Trenchless Method to Replace Sewer Lines in a Concrete Basement
Trenchless Method to Replace Sewer Lines in a Concrete Basement Sewer line leak in your concrete basement is one of the unfortunate places to leak. This type of leaks can cause exponentially increasing water bill and long-term property damage if left unattended. Hire professional sewer repair in Los Angeles to help resolve the issues without… Continue reading Trenchless Method to Replace Sewer Lines in a Concrete Basement
Identifying Garbage Disposal Leaks
Identifying Garbage Disposal Leaks When your garbage disposal leaks it can be a real nuisance. The garbage disposal is one of those things that often gets taken for granted, most people don’t realize the huge service their garbage disposal does for them, until there is a breakdown. In which case, a broken or leaking garbage… Continue reading Identifying Garbage Disposal Leaks
Tips to Troubleshoot Sewer Line Symptoms
Tips to Troubleshoot Sewer Line Symptoms Sewer line and drains are the essential parts of your plumbing system. Leaks, cracks, or blockages affect the sewer line, which could even result in a major plumbing issue. When left unattended, it would cause basement leakage, flooding, and more. You can prevent these issues by identifying the symptoms… Continue reading Tips to Troubleshoot Sewer Line Symptoms
Benefits of Trenchless Sewer Repair over Traditional Method
Benefits of Trenchless Sewer Repair over Traditional Method Sewer repair in South Bay CA is one of the costly plumbing expenses. Usually, the plumbers would dig a trench through your driveway and sometimes under the foundation of the house to access the faulty sewer line. But today, there is an easy option to repair or… Continue reading Benefits of Trenchless Sewer Repair over Traditional Method
Is Clogged Drains a Sign of Bigger Plumbing Problems?
Is Clogged Drains a Sign of Bigger Plumbing Problems? Many homeowners do not realize they are having clogged drains until they notice the water level is at our ankles during a shower. Clogged drains occur at the most inconvenient times. Most of the times, they are difficult to identify as the issue is well below… Continue reading Is Clogged Drains a Sign of Bigger Plumbing Problems?
Should You Repair or Replace Your Drain Line
Should You Repair or Replace Your Drain Line Did you know as many as 10% of American homes have water leaks and these water leaks can waste up to 90 gallons of water per day? Plumbing problems can take different forms, and one of the most disastrous among them is clogged drains and sewer repair… Continue reading Should You Repair or Replace Your Drain Line
Waiting For A Plumber? What To Do With A Leaky Pipe While You Wait
Waiting For A Plumber? What To Do With A Leaky Pipe While You Wait A leaky pipe can be one of the most devastating plumbing problems if left undetected. The reason being is that water can do a lot of damage to the surrounding area and even make matters worse. Proactive leak detection is your… Continue reading Waiting For A Plumber? What To Do With A Leaky Pipe While You Wait
Expert Tips from the Certified Plumbers to Prevent Clogged Drains
Expert Tips from the Certified Plumbers to Prevent Clogged Drains According to the recent research reports, the leaks in your plumbing system lead to 14% water loss in your home. Most of the leaks in the plumbing system are caused by blocked drains. Yes, even a simple clog can cause potential damages to your plumbing… Continue reading Expert Tips from the Certified Plumbers to Prevent Clogged Drains