February 1 2023

Could One of these Creatures Be Lurking in Your Toilet?

There are plenty of urban myths out there of man-eating rats, scary crocodiles, and venomous snakes waiting to take advantage of your most defenseless moments. The truth is that the idea of these situations happening is far-fetched. However, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t possible for certain wildlife to make its way into your plumbing system. Just to have a little fun, let’s take a look at four creatures that could find their way into your toilets if they were so inclined.


This amphibian does like damp places and what is damper than water pipes, sewers, and drains? The likelihood of a frog making its way through your pipes and jumping out of the toilet when you open the lid is almost non-existence, especially in the places that Rooter Hero Plumbing serves. But, that isn’t to say this doesn’t happen in other places in the world. In humid, tropical locations such as Australia, Puerto Rico, and throughout the Caribbean there have been incidents reported to local plumbers of frogs being found in toilets. What’s the takeaway? While you’re probably out of the woods at home, if you have a tropical vacation planned you may want to double-check before you use the toilet.


Rat-in-toilets incidents are actually something that may be more common than you think. While it’s certainly not something you need to lose sleep over, these rodents have been known to make their way through the sewers and into residential plumbing systems. The largest rat-in-toilets infestation occurred in 2008 in the state of Washington. The Health Department theorized that these rats found their way into homes because they were following the scent of food. Food waste that was rinsed down various drains in homes across the area attracted the rodents, who then became confused when in the plumbing systems and found their way out through toilets instead the kitchen sink. We don’t know how you feel about it, but we think a rat in the sink isn’t too much better than a rat in the toilet.

Poisonous Spiders

Do you have an outhouse at a cabin you own? Maybe you have a vacation home that isn’t used regularly? Although poisonous spiders in toilets are rare, if you have an abandoned toilet that isn’t used on a consistent basis, it is possible that spiders could spin webs below the toilet seat. In some areas of the world, black widow spiders have a habit of doing this.


Many urban myths exist about vicious, blood-thirsty snakes traveling through plumbing systems and waiting to attack unsuspecting homeowners. Unfortunately, this is one myth that will never die. It is also just that – a myth. Could snakes travel through a plumbing system? Small, water snakes may be able to traverse through the pipes but these snakes aren’t venomous and non-threatening. However, snakes of all types have been known to make their way into basements through floor drains surprising homeowners when they move piles of laundry. If you live in an area that is prone to snakes, our advice is to install a mesh covering to keep these reptiles out.

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