February 1 2023

Eco-Friendly Plumbing Improvements

The decision to go more eco-friendly around the home is a great choice. Not only can it help protect the environment by saving water, power, and decrease environmental pollution, but it can also help you save money on your operating costs. One area that can make a huge difference is with your plumbing. Eco-friendly plumbing improvements can help you significantly lower your water usage, and can be relatively easy to install. Plus, you get the added benefit of modernizing your space without a complete remodel. Here are some eco-friendly plumbing improvements that can really make a difference.   

Replace Old Toilets With High Efficiency Toilet (HET)

If you live in an older home built before 1994 with original plumbing your toilets could very well be wasting a ton of water. The environmental protection act that was passed in 1992 and enacted  in 1994 stipulated that all new toilets manufactured in the US must use 1.6 gallons of water or less per flush. Some older toilets may use as much 5-7 gallons of water per flush! Toilet flushing accounts for around 31% of water usage around the house, with the average person flushing around 5 times per day! The more water your toilet needs to operate, the more water is being wasted. And since toilets are one of the longest lasting plumbing fixtures, they don’t get replaced all that often. If you are looking for ways to save water, your toilet is a good place to start. High efficiency toilets use less than 1.3 gallons, with some models having dual flush modes that can use as little as .5 gallons for liquid waste. HET toilets vary price, on average they will set you back a couple hundred bucks, but in the long run will save you a lot of money in operating costs.  

Switch to High Efficiency Faucets and Shower Heads

Like older toilets, older faucets and shower heads also use a lot more water than their newer counterparts. Older inefficient faucets and shower heads could use more than 2.5 gpm, while newer and more efficient models use less than 1.5 gpm. That can make a huge difference in your water consumption! While you may be concerned with about a decrease in pressure, many newer faucets employ the use of aerators to help increase the water pressure. This way you aren’t sacrificing water pressure by using less water.    If replacing your faucets and shower heads isn’t in the budget, you may want to consider installing a low flow aerator to your existing fixtures. It attaches to the end of your fixture, and helps reduce the amount of water you are using. This is an easy and inexpensive way to make your existing plumbing fixtures more efficient.

Consider An On Demand Water Heater

On demand water heaters make for a great eco-friendly plumbing improvement. Tank storage water heaters typically last 10-12 years. If you are in the market for a new water heater, please consider an on demand water heater. On demand water heaters, or tankless water heaters are exactly what they sound like. They heat water on an as needed basis. Tank storage water heaters use a lot of resources maintaining the temperature of an entire tank of water. While tankless water heaters work on an on demand basis, they heat as you go, so they don’t waste resources when they aren’t engaged. They do tend to have a higher upfront cost, but the cost is made up over the course of its usage in operating costs. In addition, tankless water heaters last longer, are easier to maintain, easier to fix, and take up less space.   Eco-friendly plumbing improvements are a  great way to protect our resources and also help your pocket book in the long run. For more plumbing tips or to schedule and appointment contact Rooter Hero today!

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