Importance of Changing Air Conditioner Filters
Your air conditioner is meant to deliver cool and clean air to all parts of your building. Clogged air filters can interfere with three portions of that seemingly simple task. Dirty air filters can contaminate the breathing air and blocked filters can prevent the system from cooling the rooms properly and evenly. Fortunately, changing the air filters is quick and simple. If you prefer to leave the filter changing and AC maintenance to the experienced technicians, then call Rooter Hero. We are also your source for AC repair and even an air conditioning unit replacement. Our friendly representatives are ready to take your call today.
Ensure Temperature Control
Nothing is as stressful as an air conditioner that only blows warm air. This can be especially frustrating when your thermostat reads one temperature but it feels much hotter. The reason for this issue can very well be a dirty or clogged air filter. Debris in the air filter can force the unit to work harder to reach the desired temperature. Dust can also cover components and sensors that manage the temperature. Regularly change your air conditioner’s air filters if you want to ensure proper temperature control.
Improve the Air Quality
Your air conditioner is responsible for cleaning your air just as it is responsible for cooling the air. A great bulk of that responsibility falls on the air filter which traps airborne particles such as dust, pollen, mold spores, animal fur, and so forth. This can work in reverse, however, if the air filter is clogged beyond its limit. The debris can make its way through the filter and into the vents, contaminating your breathing air. This can be especially harmful to those with allergies and breathing problems.
Better Energy Efficiency
We have learned that clogged air filters can force the unit to work in overdrive to reach the desired temperature and cycle air through the system. A natural result of this extra effort is wasted energy and, by extension, higher energy bills. When you think about it, changing the air filters can pay for themselves. Save money and help the environment by regularly changing the air filters.
Extend Your Unit’s Service Life
Clogged air filters can significantly reduce the life expectancy of your unit. Dirt and grime in the air filter makes your unit work harder than it should. This debris can also make its way through the filter and clog central components of the system. This clog can affect other parts of the system until the issue spirals into a big problem. Extend your unit’s service life by changing out dirty air filters on time.
How Often Should I Change My AC Air Filters?
There is no golden rule because it depends on many factors including the quality of the filter, your usage, the model of your unit, and so forth. Our general rule of thumb is to replace filters once every season, or three months. It is better to be safe than sorry. Replacing those filters can save you from dealing with an AC repair or even a premature air conditioning unit replacement.