Read the Label: Rooter Hero Plumbing Helps You Understand Your Water Heater's EnergyGuide Label
You may not even think about energy efficiency or pay attention to the EnergyGuide labels when you purchase home appliances, but you should. Knowing what you buy and selecting the right products can make a significant difference in your home’s utility expenses, energy efficiency and the performance of various systems, such as the plumbing. The more energy efficient a product is, the less it will cost you in the long run. It will also serve you for a longer time period, so you won’t have to spend out of pocket for a premature replacement. It is important to understand fully the information included on the labels so that you can get the right water heater for your individual needs.
The Energy Factor
First of all, when you see the label on a water heater, you are going to see the Energy Factor (EF) listed. The EF rating will indicate the overall water heating efficiency. This figure is done by measuring the amount of the energy used by the water heater from your source of power, whether it is electricity or gas, to heat the water. The higher the EF number, the more efficient the process in which the water heater uses your energy to convert to hot water. It also means the more you will save on energy costs.
How NAECA Energy Guidelines Affect You
The new NAECA energy- efficiency guidelines are taking effect in 2015 and these new figures can make a significant impact on your overall energy efficiency and water heater operation. As an example, the old guidelines state that an electric water heater with a 65-gallon capacity must have an EF of .88. The new guidelines have increased that figure to 1.98, which is a phenomenal difference. Therefore, it is obvious that a newer water heater that meets the 2015 standards will be much more energy efficient. The EF rating on a tankless gas water heater was .62 and with the new regulations, that figure is increasing to .82.
What Should I Expect When I Upgrade?
If you have older appliances, including an older water heater, it may benefit you greatly to purchase a new one so you can save money in the long run. A one-time out of pocket expense is much more economical than paying two or even three times more in utility expenses than you would with the newer product. Call us at Rooter Hero Plumbing today to learn more about the EnergyGuide Label and warning signs that your heater may be on fritz.